Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March Pijon Box

Have you heard of Pijon Box? Neither had I, and I just had to try it. It is marketed as a monthly care package for college students. While I'm not in college, I still wanted one for myself, hoping it could bring me back to the good ol' days.

You can choose a male, female, or gender-neutral box. Either way, you will get a box full of 'supplies you love and need'. Each box is a $30-$50 retail value and has a variety of items - from snacks, beauty products, household essentials, and fun gifts!

I got two boxes of ENERGEMS - mint fusion and peanut butter blast. They taste like candy, but each box equals three energy drinks. Don't eat the whole box in one sitting!

These chips are one of my favorites - delicious but healthier than most salty chips.

I am a huge tea drinker, so this sample pack of Revolution Tea was right up my alley. I drink at least three cups a day, usually more. Tea to wake me up, calm my stomach, make me tired, feel more relaxed - I use tea for everything! As a self proclaimed tea connoisseur, I promise these are delicious.

Honestly, who doesn't need an extra pair of headphones? I am keeping this tiny box in my bag at all times. Forgetting my headphones at home or on my desk at work makes for a miserable subway ride.

Thick, plumper hair? Don't mind if I do!

Need to know:
Choice of USPS or FedEx
2 months - $29 each month
4 months - $27 each month
Custom - as low as $23 each month
Boxes ship between the 5th and 10th of each month

Perfectly Glossed Kisses,


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